Name: Prissy Maier
Years with Southeastern: 1 year, 5 months
Why do you LOVE your job? I love my job at SE. It doesn't feel like a job, because I love working with buyers. I am very much a people pleaser!
If you didn't do your job here at Southeastern, who's would you want to do? I would like to do Beth's job, but only the fun stuff like helping customers with selections (paint colors, granite, flooring picks) and decorating model homes. That would be right up my alley! I would also want to do Phillips job (our superintendent). It would be interesting being out in the construction field. Knowing the process from start to finish.
What is your favorite Southeastern floorplan? The St. Clair II (the NEW Stonecrest model and a obvious fav here at SE) fabulous kitchen! I also like the Porter in Kennesaw Farms.
What is something most people might not know about you? My favorite sport in HOCKEY! I love music and I love to draw- sketch art, paint and create!
Prissy is defiantly the most friendly person at Southeastern! She is always happy and ready to talk about anything! We are sure home buyers LOVE Prissy, because of her great personality and love for what she does!
If you would like to meet Prissy to talk about anything she can be reached at 615-289-7800 or prissy@seselect.com.
Prissy is pictured at the SAR Realtor Expo this year, spinning the wheel to win a prize at the Star News booth!