Thursday, September 25, 2008

Southeastern Building Corporation would like to thank Sumner County Association of Realtors, for the great golf tournament they put on at Fairvue Plantation last week. I was able to play in the tournament that day with Jere Luckey and Cal Gentry, our land development manager. It was a great day for golf, the weather was perfect, our game not as much! In the end it was a good chance for us relax with fellow Realtors and support the association.

Southeastern did sponsor the 8th hole. Our sales team spent the day there handing out cold drinks and snacks.

Thanks again to Sumner County Association of Realtors for such a great event that supported our local Habitat for Humanity.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Nick’s Tips

Since the price of energy has started going up everyone has been doing what they can to save a buck or two on their Utility Bills. My Family and I have been doing what we can at home to save too. Here are some tips that I am using and some others that I found that can help save you some money:

  1. Make sure that all of your windows, door, and where your pipes come up through your walls are caulked and/or sealed.
  2. Turning your AC up ONE degree in the summer and your heat down ONE degree in the summer. It can save you up to 3% on your utility bills.
  3. During the summer keep your blinds or drapes pulled closed to keep the heat out and during the winter keep them open to let the sun shine and keep the heat in.
  4. Change your air filters monthly, even if they visually don’t look dirty.
  5. Plug in your electronic equipment into a power strip and turn the power strip off when they are not in use. As I learned even your phone charger is using power even when you are not charging your phone.
  6. Keep your freezer full. The fuller the freezer, the less cold air you lose when opening the door
  7. When you are replacing your light bulbs, switch to the compact fluorescent bulbs.

Visit for more tips to save on your Utility Bills and about Tax Credits your can receive for purchasing and using products that make your home more energy efficient.
